The pagination is very useful when we have large number of records in a table. If we displaying all the record the at a time it will take more time to load all the data and taking more memory. So it's not a good for either memory or performance point of view. If we go for pagination it will load limited amount of record at a time so it will good for both memory and performance point of view.
In this example i'm going to display one of db table record in tabular format using pagination. I'm loading only 5 record at a time. Each request fetching only 5 Record at a time by using below variable-
showRows = 5 (display the number of record per page)
totalRecords = 5 display the number of page at a time like 1,2,3,4,5 hyper link will come on each time
In this example i'm going to display one of db table record in tabular format using pagination. I'm loading only 5 record at a time. Each request fetching only 5 Record at a time by using below variable-
showRows = 5 (display the number of record per page)
totalRecords = 5 display the number of page at a time like 1,2,3,4,5 hyper link will come on each time